Living just down the street from the airport I feel teased and torn several times a day when I sit in the lobby of my apartment building and see various airplanes fly (what seems like just a few my child like mind) closely over the building. Liat...... British airways.....Virgin....and the occasional Delta or US airways......It is also very funny when my friends and I head to school in the morning and we always pass under the Bon Voyage/come again sign close to the airport....and then when we come home in the evening we are faced with the opposite side of the sign......welcome to Antigua Barbuda.....ugh!!! Just want to come home....for a few days.
As silly as it sounds I want to come home and see my cows, dogs, cats, horses and of course my family....I am so ridiculous I know. But I love my life and the people that I am lucky enough to share my life with.
On a less serious and more fun note one of my best girlfriends and I finally went to the Saturday farmers market in Saint Johns! What an experience and sight to behold...nothing short of crazy for sure! There where booths and tables of fruits, veggies, and even some prepackaged items lining the streets and the inside of the a market building. We found out later on that we arrived to late in the morning to purchase at the fish market across the street but none the less we had fun shopping and seeing all the different produce. A lot of it looked better than what I could of gotten at any of the grocery stores here on the island. I hope that we can go again and purchase even more yummy food.
The picture are terrible but you get the neat idea.....produce/fruit everywhere!!!
On an academic not fun but very proud note I accomplished and passed my first patient interview!!! I am not going to lie.....I absolutely despise my foundations of clinical medicine class. I felt like that class was an excuse for teachers/professors to ream us for not know things we haven't been taught yet. Although it took a lot of practice and humiliation I finally know the basics of taking a patients medical history and have a very vague understanding of how to present a patient! Something that I thought would be easy and turned out to be one of the hardest most difficult things I have done yet in school. Makes me so nervous just typing about it! I also did quite well on my lab exam and feel more confident about identifying anatomy in a cadaver vs a plastinated/plastic models. Hopefully that trend will keep going on into next semester! Hopefully all this crazy studying will pay off!
Back to studying for my comprehensive finals!!! Hope to post again soon!!!
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