Today was my first day of small group lecture/study and it made me really nervous!!! It has been a few years since I had been in the classroom and having a professor run me through the ringer for a few hours on a more personal basis made me very uncomfortable! But it wasn't too terribly bad and we even got to go down to the simulator lab and play with Harvey!!!! He is the cardiology dummy that allows you to listen to various heart and lung sounds. The neat thing about Harvey is that one student can be doing the actually listening and then the rest of the students have head gear to hear what that student is hearing while applying the stethoscope to the dummy patient. Pretty amazing right?!?! I think so anyway. Below is a pictures of a "Harvey" I found on it isn't AUA's Harvey but pretty much the same thing. Beautiful wig aye?
After small classes and lectures sometime we go to the gym and other times we head to the library and study for several hours. Because we are in student housing and use the bus we have to make sure that we follow the bus schedule so we can make it back to the housing complex. When we do arrive back at the complex we are usually reading and studying until 11 pm or so. It is a long day for sure. Being sick during my first week of medical school wasn't a great experience either. But I have been studying and reading for about 4 days straight and tonight I have kind of took the evening off for a few hours to get a small nap in and to update my lovely blog. But I am sure that I will have an hour or two of reading to do before I decide to go to bed for the night.
Onto a non academic matter at this vary moment tropical storm Isaac is making its way to Antigua! Ya!!!! Today campus got shut down early which destroyed my workout and study time I had anticipated on campus in order to prepare for the storm. I have received several emails in regards to the storm and things to NOT do while in a tropical storm.....silly things like don't go swimming! Seriously?!?!??! WOW!!! In regard to tomorrow campus is opening at 10 am and the buses are not leaving until later in the morning. So we will see how hard the island gets hit by mister Isaac! I was told to expect power outages and tons of wind!
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