I had the opportunity to go to my first med 1 party/mixer and meet tons of fellow classmate while dancing the evening away. However, it wasn't just the party itself that made the evening a blast but the location, the people and even something as simple as the cab ride. The whole evening blew my mind! Most of the individuals that lived in my building (Utopia) went to the mixer and we even had time for pre-party photos!
Like I said above the location was beautiful! Being located right on the beach and having an open air atmosphere was nothing short of mind blowing. There was probably several hundred medical students in one location and even a professor or two. My close girlfriend and new friend from around the hall had a great time dancing to the DJ and sweating!!! Yes the Carribean is still flaming hot at 10:30 pm! WOW! Below are some pictures that I stole....I mean borrowed from the Lobster Shack Facebook page for your viewing experience.
It was a blast getting to see everyone get crazy and dance....especially Utopia's own resident Rolando or as he is know here at AUA "Rolly". Give that New Yorker some drinks and he will literally roll/glide all over the dance floor. Needless to say him and my gal pal were the best dancers out there for sure. AMAZING and FUN!!!! Even the cab ride was hysterical. My friends and I use one cab driver exclusively because he is nice, dependable, and gives cheap rides....yes mom I said that last part just for you. However, since we have use him practically every day this week we have all developed quite a close relationship with the Antiguan. Since we all have this established relationship, things seem to get funner and conversations seem to get crazier. On top of shoving 8 people into a mini van a few were intoxicated and then the evening got really interesting. My close girlfriend gutsly asked the driver if she could drive and he proceeded to pull over and get out of the car......she tried to get behind the wheel with no luck. The driver also mentioned that he regularly cheated on his girlfriend and that in Antigua it was ok......and very NATURAL! Several other questionable things were said and all of us were left with an impressionable evening that will last a lifetime!
After an amazing evening we had an even better following day at Dickenson Bay AKA Sandals. Utopians swam, laid out, and jet skied. Quite obviously no one had a bad evening until we ate dinner at a local tourist attraction on the bay called Peppers and Limes. The service was awful, the waiters/waitresses were rude, and the manager or owner proceed to tell us that she hated having us "student" screwing her over.......all of us paid and did when we visited the restaurant earlier that week. Needless to say I am not spending my money with that winch ever again. However, who can stay mad when you get to share dinner with 17 other med students and watch the sun set over the ocean....again can I say this word enough amazing!!! I think more than anything all of us were very thankful for one last adventure before school started and didn't want to think about Monday.
Sunday I woke up early with what seems to be a nasty cold and spent the whole day reading and reading with some of my friends.....the later wasn't too successful. We ended up watching YouTube videos and ordering pizza. However, over the last two day I have personally read over 100 pages of tiny print and have prepared well despite all the fun we have be having. Thanks to a friend I now, have even more videos, text books, and student documents on my external drive. Having these resources makes me one happy girl. One of the guys made us an appointment to look at a house for the following semester, tomorrow evening. This should be cheaper and closer to school than our current student housing. Hopefully all 5 of us can share.
There are several things I have learned during my short time in Antigua.....everything takes extra time here on the island, everything in regard to my class schedule seems to be temporal, and now since it is Sunday night the adventure is over....... at least until after mini 1.
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